‘Passionate About Photography’

Examples of some of my most recent work

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My latest video exploring the Cornwall..!

Ever dreamt of capturing the magic of the Isles of Scilly in just one day? Join me on this fast-paced photo adventure as I hop on the Scillonian ferry and embark on a whirlwind tour of this stunning archipelago. We'll be racing against the clock to capture the essence of the islands, from dramatic coastal landscapes and hidden coves to charming villages and vibrant wildlife. Get ready for tips on quick composition, camera settings for ever-changing light, and making the most of a limited time on this idyllic island chain. Whether you're a seasoned photographer or just starting out, this video will give you a taste of what's possible on a day trip to the Isles of Scilly. So grab your camera, pack your sense of adventure, and get ready to be amazed!